Frontier Support’s responsiveness recognised as ‘outstanding’ by CQC
Frontier Support’s responsiveness recognised as ‘outstanding’ by CQCWe’re delighted to have been given an overall rating of ‘good’ in our recent CQC inspection with a rating of ‘outstanding’ for the ‘responsive’ measure.
The inspector said of Frontier: “The service was exceptionally responsive. People were at the centre of their care and support. They actively participated in the planning and review of their care and their wishes were respected.
“People were supported to develop their interests and to engage in a wide range of activities of their choosing. Activities met people’s needs and helped them lead a full life.
People’s relationships with their families, relatives and friends were encouraged and supported by staff where appropriate.
A comprehensive and appropriate complaints process was in place which operated effectively to investigate and respond to any concerns.”
CQC inspects health and social care providers at least every three years and its purpose is to ensure that they provide people with safe, effective, compassionate, high-quality care and to encourage providers to improve.
Frontier has been supporting vulnerable adults in their own homes across London and the South East since 2006. We provide imaginative, specialist care and support to people with a variety of needs including Learning Disabilities, Autism, Aspergers, Epilepsy, Mental & Physical Health issues and Challenging Behaviour.
Tony Piercy, Frontier’s CEO, said: “This rating is a good reflection of the hard work and dedication of our staff. Particularly in responding to the changing needs of the people we support. It also makes for a wonderfully positive start to 2019 for our team and our clients.”