The Frontier new recruits
The Frontier new recruits
We’re pleased to introduce newest team members – Coconut and Pepper.
The two lop eared rabbits live at the Buzzz Hub where our clients are able to experience feeding, handling and caring for them. Our garden project team have built the bunnies a lovely garden run which is attached to their outside dwelling. Coconut and Pepper also have a palatial indoor residence, although during their first stint indoors they did manage to chew their way out of a rabbit proof play pen and then nibble through our internet cable in less than eight minutes!!
Tracey Crockford, Deputy Head of Operations said: “Despite the rabbits’ initial bad behaviour, having access to these animals provides our clients with an excellent opportunity to learn about being responsible for a pet. Handling and stroking the rabbits is really key to some of our clients and these bunnies have really landed on their feet – they are extremely well cared for by a team of growing experts!”