A Fascinating Lesson
A Fascinating Lesson
Once a year I try and hang up my managers hat and throw myself into our village show in Huttons Ambo. In my first year, I entered a victoria sponge in the cake competition but was unfortunately disqualified because I didn’t know we were following the Women’s Institute rules. And I’d put icing sugar on top of mine instead of caster sugar!
That set me thinking about how frustrating it is to put in effort and then be told after the event what the rules are. Well we have none of that at the Buzzz Hub art sessions. The only rule is to have fun and express yourself. There are no winners or losers either – only an admiration for some of the fantastic creations that people make. And as for me, I did much better this year – winning first prize for fascinator. Now I only need a posh do so I can get to wear it!