Rob’s ARC-ticle
Rob’s ARC-ticle
We were delighted to have a story about the appointment of Rob Anscomb Gates as our new CEO published on the ARC (Association for real Change) website. Appearing under the heading “Frontier Support Appoints New CEO” the piece outlined Rob’s background and also what attracted him to his new role:
Rob has 24 years’ experience in social care and trained at the renowned Tizard Centre. He joins Frontier Support from the Royal Mencap Society and takes over from Denise Doggett who will become Chair of the organisation.
Rob said: “One of the many things that attracted me to the role was the strength of the in-house behavioural team at Frontier Support. Having this resource gives the people we support a huge advantage because we are able to be extremely responsive to their needs or any changes in their situation without having to wait for NHS referrals.
“I also love that the organisation puts the person we’re supporting at the center of what we do and works in partnership with them, their families, medical professionals and social workers to enable them to develop lifestyles over which they have more control.”
“To date, Frontier has grown organically through good practice and word of mouth, because we’re very good at what we do. I’m looking forward to building on that success and developing even broader relationships across London and the South East with care commissioners, people looking for support, their families, charities and other care providers.”
Click here to read the full article